Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy New Year

Well Apologies for it being so long since our last update.... unfortunately we have a good reason for not having updated at least for the last 19 days.
January 1, 2010 our apartment was broken into and both our computers were taken. Thankfully we have renter's insurance and our items will be replaced, but it has been a long process on getting everything worked out.
I don't really want to go into detail on that because it's not really that important. The devil has messed with the wrong people, and since he has stolen from us he now has to return everything plus 7 fold--according to Proverbs 6:31.
It is so exciting to see God at work. We have had great favor in a lot of areas. We have had to work for it, but we are coming out on top. We have now moved to a new apartment and it's bigger and nicer... and only a small increase on the price per month for rent.
I am actually posting from my brand new Macbook Pro that replaces the computer I had stolen. I had had my faith on a new laptop.... I just didn't really think I would have my other one stolen, but if it gets me a new computer for free that's fine with me. We will find the old one and then I'll have two! God is good..... the devil is so stupid..... he thinks he got us, but he just picked himself a fight that he didn't want to start.

School is still good. We are now in the 3rd quarter. We are leaning so much it's amazing! I don't even know where to begin. One of our classes is on how to plan a short term mission trip, and another one is how to plan a crusade. I really don't even know how to put into words now pumped I am that Chris and I are learning this stuff. Plus we are taking a college corse to get certified to teach English as a Second language. That's another awesome tool I'm super excited about.

I am especially excited about March. I am working on planning a trip for the youth group from Liberty to come down to the Dream Center. It costs next to nothing for them to come down so I'm super duper excited because it's so doable for anyone who wants to go, and not only that but what they get to do once they are here is life changing.

Anyway as you can see from this update I am just excited. God is doing so many great things, and I'm so blessed to be part of them.

If you enjoyed this post please let me know and shoot me an e-mail:
if there are things you would like to know e-mail me your questions.

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog!