Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Spring!

Wow time flies when having so much fun.
Lets see what all has happened since my last post
1. Chris have moved and are settled in finally
2. Chris started 4th quarter and we are fastly approaching graduation
3. Chris and I are going to China

The move:
In January our apartment was broken into... I posted something about it I"m sure.... so about a week after that happened we moved to a new apartment. It is a nice two bedroom. I'm getting used to it. I think we are just finally getting things into their spot. Funny thing is that we are moving in June. At least we get a few months of niceness then it is back to boxes. Our lease isn't up till July, but Chris' mom goes to California from June 8th through the 22nd. In that time frame we will be packing up our apartment and moving to Hays. Not really sure at this point where to in Hays, but God will provide when it comes to that point.

wow this quarter has been so much fun so far. We only have classes M. Tu. and F. Wed. and Thr. we have outreaches that we have planned. it technically is class in itself but since in order to do outreach we have to go out. We aren't in the classroom. Today we did an outreach that was a lot of fun. We went to a nursing home and painted finger nails for the ladies and the guys played bored games with those that didn't want to. We got to pray with several people. it was really great to see lives changed.
Graduation is coming up fast. We are done with school May 30th. We have been enjoying all of it, but we are both VERY ready to be done. We are both so excited for the next steps that God is directing us in we are about to burst. It is so much fun watching him work through us in the things that we are doing next.

one of the things that we are doing next is going to China. We are going with a dear friend of ours that has been working in or with China for over 20 years. He and his familly lived there for 10 years and realized what they were doing would be more effective if they were based in the States and traveled back and forth. We will be going with him in July. Not really sure on where all we will be going, but we will be working with youth. It has been really cool how it has all worked out.
One cool thing I'm still excited about was my passport. When our apartment was broken into our passports were stolen. Thankfully we did have insurance so all that was lost has been recovered. I needed to get my name changed on my passport since the wedding.... so I just got my passport updated FOR FREE!! PTL He is so good.
The dates for the trip are July 6th through the 26th.
If you want more information I'll get you more details.... send me an e-mail (