Thursday, October 11, 2012

Harvest time

I love fall. It's hard to say if I like Fall or Spring better....both are so refreshing. This spring and summer we planted our very first vegetable garden. I quickly learned we have REALLY good soil, as our tomato plants grew taller than me by the first part of July. Had we put another cage on top of the cage this plant was in it probably would have grown even taller. In this garden we grew lettuce, onions, banana papers, chili peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, green papers, and cilantro. It all was great fun. This past week has been sad though. It froze two nights in a row and then again last night. (A few days later). I was shocked to learn that one of my tomato plants survived along with our peppers....I think. Now comes the fun part. Pulling all of the fruit off the plants that died. If you see the picture with all if the bags. Those are all tomatoes and 4-5 green bell peppers. We had a good year.