Thursday, May 21, 2015

May update

  Wow I didn't realize it has almost been a month since my last post!!!!
Teething has definitely commenced. None have cut through, but all the signs are there so hopefully one makes an appearance soon. I'm perfectly fine if it doesn't for a while yet, but I'm sure Marcelyn would tell you otherwise. Her "babble" has moved on to full on sentences. It's so much fun to hear her wake up from a nap talking away to herself.....not so great at 4:00 am 😑
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is I found this picture
It seemed to need more than Just a simple share on Facebook.  The last four years have been pretty tough and I have very often wondered why we are where we are. We have been very blessed to have quiet neighbors that live next door, but I can't help but think of the parents of some and really most of the kids that we bring to church. God has placed them in my life to teach me, but God also placed me in their life to show them Jesus. He didn't place me here to have preach at them and tell them how much they need Jesus in their life. I'm here simply to show them my life with Jesus is why I'm blessed. I have learned a lot living in this neighborhood, and it's hard to believe in June it will have been 4 years. 

I have been amazed at how much of a battle it has been to stay above the stigma of living in a trailer park....although I cringe each time I see or hear someone use the phrase and want to say mobile home community, MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY. Thankfully we live in the nicest....well what used to be the nicest community in town. Two company ownership changes and three managers later things kinda go south pretty fast. My heart has changed towards the neighborhood though. Rather than simply living here to gain some equity and buying power for our next home I have learned we are here to be a light and an example. Which now can simply be done by having a nice yard. And even that is a battle....just ask my husband.