Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May update

May is going by rather fast! I have a few minutes so I thought I'd post SOMETHING at least. 

Marcelyn is growing up so fast. I probably say that in every post but seriously though. Check out this picture from March 
And here is one of her just this week 
Ok so maybe pictures don't capture what I'm talking about but there was a morning a little over a week ago where she woke up and it was like she grew 1/2 an inch in all directions. She has outgrown most of her 12m clothing some pants and t-shirts fit, but she's been in 18m onesies since before she was a year old.  Her vocabulary is ever expanding and perfecting. Although differentiating between drink (jeese) and please (sheese) is still a challenge (adorable but a challenge none the less) She LOVES to be outdoors, and bubbles are her latest delight. 
Mother's Day has come and gone. Marcelyn and Chris got me pretty flowers to put in my flower pots outside. Be sure and check out pictures of those on Instagram @mollz2 or @cmlofstrom 
We also planted a salsa garden. Chris posted about that on his Facebook page. 

Suzanne came to visit the weekend of Mother's Day and we all went down to see Fort Larned. 
They also came with Apple gear questions 
Which we happily answered. 

We had our first "tornado threat" of the season last weekend

We spend most of the evening close to a basement. (At my parents house) this is the only time of the year I hate living where we do. 
Tonight we finish up our last night of Kids Club until next fall and start gearing up for VBS at the end of June.  Chris and I will be part of the Leadership team again this year. I'll most likely head up crafts and Chris will most likely head up games.

I'm drawing a blank as to what else has happened this past month. Looking ahead though June is going to be great. First though my birthday is in a week and I'll be 28 (gasp she told us her age). June 11-12 Sharon Daugherty, from the Bible School and church Chris and attended while in Tulsa, will be here. I'm really looking forward to that and of corse our anniversary. It's hard to believe it will be 8 years already 🙈 

Well I'll just share these pictures. I absolutely love them but I'm out of time to write what stories go with them. 

Well I better run! There are lots of details to finish for tonight. Thanks for reading!!