Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Weathering Storm Season

WoW!! I'm curious to find out how serious of a storm we just had roll through. Our house had minimal damage thank God. We only lost a little skirting on the north west corner of our house. The picture shows that we lost a lot more, but it just nocked it out and we will put most of it back.

Chris said that we should have only lost 3-4 pieces. We are blessed considering what happened all around us. Our neighbors just to our south (G-6) lost a corner of their shingles and possibly more damage, but nothing visible from our front porch or yard. Our neighbor to the west had a tree limb (roughly 5"-8" in diameter) fall on his truck. Then down the street a big cotton wood tree lost a sizable amount of branches. The whole street was blocked off by them and now there is a rather large gaping hole through the canopy of the sad.
It has been a few years since we rode out a storm that intense from our house. I usually like to get out if we know the winds are going to be above 60mph. I've heard that we had 75mph or higher wind speeds this morning. It was an adventure for sure! The power was out for about 10-15 minutes and at one point it was raining so hard that I couldn't see the playground. For most of the storm it was raining so hard that I couldn't see the row of trees south of our neighborhood. The most humbling part of a powerful storm like this is watching huge trees get whipped around like grass....that's when you know it's one powerful storm. No hail though so that was nice. Just lots of wind. lots and lots and lots of wind. I think our garden will be okay too. Two of our tomato cages were blown  over, but it didn't look like the plants were broken off anywhere. Just a little smooshed.

In other news Marcelyn continues to grow! She's walking and running more confidently and loves using a step stool to climb up on the couch. 
However the funnies thing lately has been watching her play and pretend with some of my toys from my childhood. More specifically "little people" from Little Tike. 
She's been making them talk, but what makes me laugh is she tries to sit on the chairs. We figured out she sits on similar chairs in the church nursery so why not try sitting on these too?!! What a goob!

What personality and spunk she has. It's so much fun watching her grow up. Well it sounds like she's up so I better get after it. Have a lovely day!!

Thanks for reading!!