Friday, August 26, 2016

August Update

Holy Moly! This year has been so incredibly full I'm blown away! This past month has bad tons packed into it as well.

First July 29th my Grandpa graduated into heaven.  It's been expected and dreaded since Grandma passed away a few years ago, so it wasn't sudden or thankfully, too soon.  We (all cousins and grandchildren) were able to say good bye and he died peacefully and quickly. I'm not ready to share in detail what happened, because it's still so raw and weird that he's actually gone.

Then August 1st we signed papers on our new house! Talk about an emotional roller coaster.... Backup a few weeks.... We were battling back and forth with realtors on our house trying to come to an agreement on a price and when we finally came to an agreement we were super excited. Days later I got the news that a former co-worker and a best friend of a close friend of mine had suddenly died of cancer.  She was young and had only been diagnosed a few weeks before. It was a huge blow! That week was a roller coaster of emotions. That was hard going through that, but it was nothing compared to what would happen in the coming weeks. We finalized the sale on our old house, Chris went on a missiontrip to Mexico City with the youth group.  I'll write more about that in another post all together (Maybe even have Chris write that post) and then we closed on our new house and moved. The original plan was to take all week to move room by room, but with the plans for Grandpa's funeral it didn't work out that way.  Monday was the day. We got keys for our house at 9am and by 9:00pm we were 90% moved in. We thought we had gotten everything, but as days went by we realized we forgot some stuff. Thankfully we sold our house to a good friend. The funniest was I completely forgot two drawers in our island.

Now to tell you about our new house!!! I'm so head over heals about this house. We knew we had found a fantastic house, but it really has become one of the nicest houses I've been in....but I may be a little bias. I'll try and give you a word tour....I haven't had much time to take very many pictures but checking out the hash tag #lofstromhouse on instagram will give you a little peek into where we are.
Front door: the front porch is a cute stone platform with three steps up to a white door that's the perfect amount of class...not to fancy that it's  pain to keep clean, but new and nice enough that it doesn't tell the age of the house. The first room you come into is a living room which is connected to the dinning room. Both rooms have amazingly HUGE picture windows. The best part is they have been replaced recently so they don't leak as much as the original windows would.  The living room has oak hardwood floors. Mom and Dad got a us a nice swatch of carpet as an area rug for now. It was super hard covering up the beautiful floor, but Marcelyn wasn't handling the hard floors all to well. She was tripping over the floor because her feet or socks would catch because the wood was actually more grippy with shoes or bare feet...either that or toys that she was used to playing with rough and tough would move out from under her when she was climbing on them and her head would hit the floor....needless to say she was not liking the floors. I hope I never forget the day we laid the carpet down. She was so giddy and goofy! To say that she LOVED the carpet was a huge understatement. I'm not sure I had ever seen her that goofy before. It was hilarious. I think it also was the fact that her four favorite people were all centered on her and she had all of our attention.
Bedrooms: As you walk towards the dinning room there is a small hallway that leads to the bedrooms and one bathroom. The first bedroom is ours and has lovely RED wallpaper. It has an elegant design on it, but it's most DEFINITELY 1959 awesome!  >_< lol next is bathroom number 1 and it's in need of help....but mostly just a facelift. All could be fixed with a little bit of cocking, tile adhesive and paint. The only part about the bathroom that blows our mind is the fact that there aren't any electrical plug-ins....NONE. Not in the hallway and none in the light in the bathroom....good thing I'm low maintenance >_*  lol!!! I look forward to redoing that bathroom. The best part of that room by far is the tub! It makes me super nervous when bathing Marcelyn, but it's so deep and long. We aren't 100% sure, but we think it's a cast-iron with a porcelain overlay.....there's a fancy term for that, but I'm drawing a blank. Next is Marcelyn's room. It was the first room that we's much better now. Before it was a lovely yellow color...HAH lovely....try mustard or as we called it WINNIE THE POOH yellow. >_< it was painful.... both bedrooms had nice sized windows. The best part is they are the kind that swing open hinging from the top instead of sliding up like normal windows. This makes them super nice because on cool rainy days I have have the windows open and all that comes in is nice cool air. (We slept with the windows open last night) Kitchen: back into the dinning room the kitchen is just to the right through a sliding pocket door. I thought I was going to hate having such a closed off kitchen, but it has quickly turned into my favorite room in the house. The kitchen is small, but highly functional. I miss my island, but I really do like my new kitchen.  We measured things before we took the leap and I wasn't looking any kitchen square footage at all. The only thing that I'm missing immensely is a pantry which we will build in over the stairs (hopefully soon) with access from the dinning room. The dinning room and kitchen are probably the most dated rooms in the house. The dinning room has lovely olives on the wall. It appears to be wallpaper, but at closer examination we think it could be shelf paper given the width of the strips of paper on the wall. It's growing on me....Picture this. Silver metallic background that is shiny and a few different shades of green olives all over the wall....ALL OVER THE WALL!!!! Thankfully it's only the one wall. I'd like to find a way to bring the wall into the new millennium, but I'm stumped. I like lime green, but usually in flowers or something pretty....not something that's THAT GREEEEEN. O_O
Basement! YES! WE HAVE A BASEMENT!! But before going into the basement you must take a quick peek into our ATTACHED garage :) =D single car oversized garage complete with loft and work bench. Now downstairs. First door is the utility room/laundry room and extra storage access under the stairs. Then on the left is the 3rd bedroom with a huge closet. Next is a small living room with a kitchenette off to the side (it's currently Chris' office space) with a couple of walls the come in from the sides to separate the two spaces. The back down the hallway is bedroom number 4 and a nice bathroom with a shower. The basement had been fixed up quite a bit with new carpet and paint. We learned recently that the shower may not have been the best thought out....Chris found a window that had been covered up by the shower.

here are some pictures!!

Well the Marcemallow is up! I better get the rest of my day going! Thanks for reading. I look forward to sharing more of our adventures with you as we settle into our house more.
There's so much more to share, but I'll quit for now!

The Lofstrom Family