Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy 2014!
Can't believe another year has passed already.  Once again I did a horrible job of keeping this updated.   A lot has happened but nothing quite as heartbreaking as the passing of my (Molly) Grandma Dinkel.  She was 87 years old, but one of the hardest things I've been through yet.  Thankfully though nothing near as hard as I was expecting. Her passing was not sudden, but she did not linger either. She went very peacefully and as comfortably as possible.  Letting go is, from what I've learned so far, a process.  She's been gone for almost two months now and it still doesn't feel real. When we were together Christmas Day it felt like at any moment she would burst through the door and start bossing us around.  It was very weird not having her there.

Lots happened in 2014
Found out we were pregnant 4 days before mother's day so I got to tell my mom on mother's day she would be a grandma. Best day ever!!
Okay I have to tell you the story :) Mother's day is a Sunday so I could have told her at church, but knew she's hate me forever because she would have freaked...and dad would have cried. We had the family over to the house for lunch and mom opened gifts. Chris and I got her a willow tree figurien that said grandmother on it...thankfully kind of small. I wrapped it out of the box because it said it rather largely on the box on each side. Anyway the story gets a little funnier if we back up to when everyone was getting there. my brother Chris and Amanda had driven together and as they were walking in Amanda said, jokingly, "it would be really cool and funny if Chris and Molly told us they were going to have a baby hahahaha" LOL!! She called it. Mom unwrapped her gift and oooed and awwed over it, but didn't get it. I told her to read me the bottom (that said grandmother on it) she couldn't quite read it, but Amanda who was sitting right next to her read it and screamed "Are you serious??!!!" Mom finally gets it to where she can read it and just says "Really?!!" and Dad was like "What....what does it say....?" Then he called it....are you guys preagnant or something. OOOh YEAAAY....hahaha it was great. I have it on video somewhere, but promised I wouldn't share it.  I was glad we got to surprise them. it was fun. Oh then after all the rush wore off she said "I'm so glad you didn't give me a rose at church, I wouldn't have handled that well." I don't remember exactly what she said word for word, but I do remember he telling me she would have hated it.  

Chris and I celebrated 5 years of maraige and took a trip to San Fransisco in June.  We posted pictures of that on facebook. I'm not sure what my favorite part of the trip was. I got to go to China Town, cross the Golden Gate Bridge, ride in a cable car past Lumbard Street, touch the Pacific Ocean (which happened to be cold) and go see Redwood trees.  I got to experience my first passenger train in the US outside of an airport, and try some new sea food.  I also learned why so many people love California, it's because everything (even the most boring highway) is beautiful.  There was a house that literally had 15 different types of trees and shrubs in their front yard it was amazing.  

in July my older brother got married in Albania which is still a little of a hard subject to talk about.  Everyone downplayed it like it was going to be a small happening and it wouldn't be a big deal that we miss it....well it was fancier than most weddings are here in the the states. and I missed it. I got to see pictures and videos....but I missed a was beautiful and I missed it. They came back to the states and had a wedding in September so that made it a little easier, but just as I had suspected it wouldn't be the wasn't their first. They weren't.....well you get the point. I was the maid of honor....which I found that detail out like 3 days before the wedding. I texted Visi some details and she replied "you're such a great maid of honor" lol so that's how I found out I was the maid of honor. 
at that point I was 5 months pregnant and we didn't have dresses picked out until about 4 or 5 weeks before the wedding....and I was growing each anything that we bought in the store was going to have to be majorly altored. So mom made the executive discion to sew the dresses. Long story short mine ended up with a corset back because I grew 4 inches in a week and she was working on my dress a week or two before the wedding and we didn't want to have to resew my dress the night before the wedding. 

Then baby drama started. The last trimester was a roller coaster. Baby Lofstrom was transverse and riding rather high up until the last two weeks or so before she was born.  To read that whole story you can read that in the next post. 

And rather than read through this for the 100th time and not post this. I'm going to post this and just apologize for typos and spelling errors. I'm writing this while on my iPad trying out a new keyboard.  It's also kind of late....anyway it's my post about 2014 to get you up-to-date. 

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