Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February Update!

Hello Friend!
Love is in the air, but spring and Easter are just around the corner. Happy Ash Wednesday btw (I'm not sure this is a happy holiday though) I absolutely love this time of year.  The days are getting longer the weather will be warming up soon and the sense of all things new gives me such excitement.  I love Christmas time too, but Easter is by FAR my favorite holiday celebration. The two holidays go hand-in-hand (can't have one without the other) but I'm a pastel artsy personality type. I was in Hobby Lobby and noticed Easter decorations are out already....I almost bought one of everything!!!!

In other news (the real reason I'm writing today....not just to rant about how much I love this time of year) Marcelyn is WALKING! I posted a pretty cute video on my instagram if you haven't seen it yet be sure and check it out (@mollz2)  and you can also check out the hashtag #babylofstrom for any pictures you may have missed.

I'm also writing to share of my goal for this Lent Season. I always love setting goals for the new year, but this one is only for 40 days instead of a full 365. It's call 40 bags in 40 days. Starting today and going until Easter Sunday I'll pick 40 different places in my house to go through and de-clutter. Today and probably all this week I"ll be focusing on my desk area. I really need to make this space more soothing and functional....rather than a place to capture crap! *squinty-faced emoji*

Well I think I better call it good. Marcelyn is running out of Cherioes and or she's full and they will start ending up on the floor instead of her mouth.... Oh the joys of toddlerhood

Until Next Time! Thanks for reading :)

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