Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June update!

AHHHH So much excitement, so much crazy and so much change. 

I seriously didn't know life could change so much so quickly. I'm not even sure where to begin. Our anniversary came and went....I think I'll start with house details.

Chris and I have been looking at moving for a while now....technically since we bought our mobile home. It was our goal to buy our house to be able to to turn around and sell it as our down payment on a bigger house.  That plan and dream is finally become a reality and it's so stinking exciting I can't even put into words how excited I am. That is the single reason my update for June is so late this month...I've been waiting for it all to be somewhat concrete. Well today we signed a purchase agreement on our house and should close on it by next week. Tomorrow our new house gets inspected and we should close on it in about two-three weeks. wooohooooo!!!! I get so excited thinking about our new house.... It has 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms and is located blocks away from an elementary school and is across the street from the middle school. It's an adorable brick house in need of some good old fashioned TLC. It has only had one owner and she hasn't updated anything since it was built. She died not too long ago and left it to family and they have fixed a few things to make it more sellable. Such as painting the basement and putting down some carpet. The basement had those yucky lenorlium floors (that I hope aren't made from asbestos) and tacky white walls. But there are two good sized rooms down there plus a full bathroom, family room and laundry room. The only thing that needs immediate attention is the laundry room. It is currently unfinished and the door doesn't open up because the ducting passes just close enough that the door bumps it. All easily fixed....we hope. Then upstairs...I'll start from the front door, as you enter there is a nice sized living room and strait ahead is the dinning room. To the right of the dinning room is the kitchen. From the living room is a short hallway to the two bedrooms that are upstairs. And in the middle of the bathrooms is a very nice sized bathroom. Not a whole lot needs to be done upstairs except painting and redoing the kitchen. I will admit the kitchen kinda stresses me out a bit. Right now it's super small, but we are looking into what it would take to canteliever some cabinets into the garage and knock the wall between the dinningroom and kitchen out. The part that makes all of this super hard is the fact that the stairs are between the living room and the kitchen. So even if we were able to knock the wall out it wouldn't be completely open because the stairs are there. Many hours have gone into thinking how to fix this issue. On the bright side though we have about 800 more square feet of living space and a garage. The backyard also has a slab that we could easily build a yard shed on top of.  The biggest selling point for me through this whole process has been how much potential this house has. It literally is a blank slate and we can do whatever we want because EVERYTHING needs to be redone. 

Well I could talk about the house for a while. I'm super excited about it. That's not all that has been going on though! Marcelyn turns 18 months old in about a week and that's just insane! She's so tall and starting to get bossy. She scared me a bit this past week. It was actually a week ago today. We went to the pool Monday evening as part of a community event so we got in free. We were playing on one of the toys in the water and she wanted to move on to the next thing ,but instead of getting off near me she hopped off and started going the other direction so the toy was between me and her...she lost her balance and went under. Thankfully Dad (Chris) was right there to snatch her up. She wasn't fased at all. Thank God. She absolutely loved being at the pool. The next day she spiked a pretty high fever and was really grumpy. By Wednesday nothing had changed even with meds which is very unusual for her. She had a crying fit and was tugging at her ears so I thought maybe she had gotten an ear infection from the pool so we went to the Peditrician.  I was wrong she didn't have an ear infection she had somehow picked up a virus called Hand Foot and Mouth disease. Sounds much worse that it really is, and thankfully much worse than it actually was. She got over it a few days later and hasn't shown any signs in a few days. She had been grumpy for a few days before we went to the dr. But just thought it had to do with teething or her being the age she is. The weird part is she had also been scratching and pulling at her tongue. After learning that the virus was an itchy throught it all made sense.....The only part that really made me concerned was that I could possibly pass it on to someone else or that there wasn't anything that I could do to make her better. We just had to wait it out for the virus to run its course. 

The other eventful thing that has been a little alarming has been my Grandpa. He has been having problems with his breathing. He had surgery on something a while back and it took quite a bit out of him, but he's more comfortable.  There for a bit he had to be off blood thinners to help heal the incision.  Which was hard on his heart so they put him on different heart meds which was hard on his kidneys....but thankfully that's all past. He's been moved to the nursing home now instead of assisted living.  

Chris is doing well. He says work is eerily slow, and there's no real way of knowing when things will turn around. Gas and oil prices keep going down which is nice, but it's really hurting our community.... Thankfully we know that job isn't our source. Our God is Greater! Chris is also still the youth pastor and loves it. The youth group took a little break for the last bit of May and into June and just started back up last week. It's encouraging to see him so passionate about something. I'm getting to help out finally! I'm so blessed to have family close by. Marcelyn gets to go spend the evening with my brother and sister-in-law which right now are her favorite people. Next month Chris takes a trip with a couple of the kids in the youth group to Mexico City.  Since the house has been such a project we've kinda put that trip on the back burner. He leaves Jully 23rd and will be gone until the 30th.  Funny thing is I still don't know a whole lot of details because we've been so busy with selling our house. I have been on this trip before though so I have a pretty good idea as to what they will be doing. I'll leave the details of all of that for the July post!

Well I think that's all I have time for today! 

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram for picture updates!
@cmlofstrom #lofstromadventures 
And #babylofstrom for pictures on Marcelyn 

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