Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sidewalk trucks

This post is here to expain how our sidewalk truck site works.
I use the term "sidewalk truck" for a few reasons. 1. that is what they are refured to by Victory. 2. we usually park in the street (along the sidewalk) and that's where we set up. In a nut shell it is a side walk sunday school lesson. We target children, but parents are welcome to come too.
A sidewalk truck are old UPS or FedEx style trucks that have either been baught or given to victory. Each truck generally has the same design as far as, two speakers, sound board, converter, and a big box to put groceries in. Something that amazes me about this ministry is about the only expense is probably gas for the trucks. All the food that we get is donations from local grocery stores. Just like God's Word says, we are blessed to be a blessing. It is our goal each week to come back with an empty truck.

How a service works is pretty fun. We get to our site and it takes us about 15-20 minutes to set up. On our truck we have two tarps (one for girls and one for boys), 9-10 chairs for the parents, and 8 cones to hold down the corners of the tarps. We fold out the side of the truck (which is our stage) and begin setting up our sound equipment (two speakers and one or two microphones).
once we are set up our service goes as follows:
  • start by welcoming the children and explaining the rules, and Most important things.
  • have a time of praise and worship
  • announcements
  • game
  • lesson
  • prayer
  • hand out give-aways to children, hand out bags of groceries to adults
  • pack up and go home
We do this outreach as part of a class we take at school called Leadership and Local Outreach. We have really been stretched with our site. It is up in Northern Tulsa, in an apartment complex that is predominately black. I am usually very comfortable getting in front of children and sharing, but this has been something completely different for me. It has been fun though to see God move through Chris and I when it comes to ministering to the children and praying for the adults.

Prayer Requests
Please keep us in Prayer on Fridays between 2pm-6pm
We help out before we go out on our truck, with whatever they need help with. We usually don't get back to the parking lot until 6pm because of where our site is, it usually takes us about 30-45 minutes to travel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great ministry. We have a sidewalk truck, unfortunately it is time for our focus to change slightly with our ministry. We need to sell our truck in order to move into what God has planned for us. Any help finding a buyer would be a great blessing.