Monday, January 9, 2012

New Years Resolution

Tis the season of making goals and planning out the new year.  I'm sure you all have a list of everything you hope to accomplish this year, as do I.  The biggest goal on my list is to not feed my dog whatever I happen to be eating at the time even though she looks at me like this

any time I sit down for a snack or a meal. We are working on "Go lay down" and it works for a little while, but if I jump like i dropped something she is at my feet in a split second to sniff out what it is that i may have dropped. I find it very interesting in the few months that we have had her how well she knows us already and knows how to work us over to get what she wants. This year however I will not bow to my dog! I am her master and she will be doing what I want.  My goal is to not give into her adorable face, and her stubborn beagle side of her.  I will prevail!!

All is well at the Lofstrom house hold, Christmas was good, and we are having a pleasant New Year so far.  We are thankful for the many blessings in our lives.  The past one that I'm still rejoicing over is our new washing machine.  We had been saving up to build a porch before winter....well it's now January and it's been winter for several weeks now.  Inbetween Christmas and New Years our washing machine started to make weird noises, it was old when it was given to us and it had multiple owners before us....nedless to say it was no surprise it was now starting to act its age.  I got online to look for a new one.  We could have repaired it, but why spend $150-$200 on an old one when you can spend $500 - $600 that we had in savings on a brand new one?  So we got a good deal on a brand new high efficiency one.  I like it.  I think what i like most is how it doesn't shake our entire house whenever it goes into the spin cycle. But that's about all that is new around here, and a new washing machine is about as exciting as it gets =)

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