Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry White Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We were blessed in many ways. All of my grandparents are healthy. I think I was most blessed by being able to be "home" we didn't have to travel so we slept in our own bed and got plenty of rest. Not that I don't like traveling, but to completely miss out on all the craziness of traveling this time of the year was nice. The first time for me in over 4 years.
We still have snow...its been here for a week now, but I'm not complaining. I love it! Here are pictures of it. The green tree you'll see was something my sister and I made on the first day after it snowed. The rest are self explanatory. Huge drifts that go up to our waists....stuff like that.

And the truck in this picture is something Chris and I are still praising God about.  Since we traded off his truck last year sometime he has been hoping to get one again, but we didn't know how to make it happen.  Someone in our church gave us this a few days before Christmas.  Completely paid for! God grants us the desires of our heart, and it is faithful when we are faithful.

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