Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April Update

Oh. My. Goodness.
This month has been full full full!!!
This past weekend we had the dedication for the church and open house. It's wonderful to say that our church building is FINALLY DONE!
I was in charge of making the slide show of all the construction pictures. It was so cool to see how we all came together as a body and captured the whole process rather well. I didn't ever get real good before pictures or fully complete pictures, but the process was still amazing and you could tell how bad things were before we started. Unfortunately the video is pretty long so I can't post it here, but I'll look into sharing it on youtube or facebook. That project is the main reason I'm so late in posting this month. I can't believe April is already more than 1/2 over! My birthday is almost a month away and I'll be 28 this year!
One of my favorite tulips from my garden.

Spring is so pretty here this year.
We finally got some substantial rain this past weekend and wow did we need it.

The view from the bridge

It's amazing to see the impact of something as simple as a few inches of rain. This past weekend was an answer to prayer. It calmly rained for days and most of it soaked right in.
This picture on the left is pretty mind boggling to think that just 24 hours before us being there where we stood was under water. I'm not sure how much but my guess was about 2ft or so. There were definite lines of water movement where we were standing and trash bags and debris in the trees to the right of what's show in the picture. Plus you can tell the steps across the way are wet and packed with mud.

Marcelyn is growing growing growing! She's almost 20lbs now. 
15 monthday picture <3 td="">
helping Daddy dig a hole for our new
pampas grass.

She absolutely loves being outside and can say several words. She understands most things that I tell her which is a lot of fun to watch. She surprises me every day with a new word yesterday there were about 3-4. Sadly I'm drawing a blank as to what they all were, but her favorites are "go" "stop it" and "phone" She says "please" and it sounds like jeesh or cheese which is absolutely adorable. If she does have to be inside she loves playing with her Minion ball that her Aunt Brandy gave her during our last visit to Tulsa. Today however her favorite activity was splashing in the water that we collected during all the rain this weekend.

If it was just a little bit warmer I would have let her play in it more, but I couldn't get past her freezing hands and runny nose. We went to the dr. Monday and I think we picked something up while we were there :(
Friday was her 15 month check up and they wanted to give her shots to her then. I knew that she normally runs a fever and is rather grumpy for a few days afterwards so I asked if we could wait until after our HUGE weekend....and boy am I glad I did. She still isn't back to herself. On top of 3 immunizations she also had to get her iron levels rechecked.....rough rough rough. I'm so thankful to have my wonderful husband. I'm also thankful to have a healthy baby girl. All went well and I'm glad to have it all over with. Below are picture I took earlier this month. It's hard to capture good pictures of the Marcemallow nowadays because she's SO BUSY! I love it though. More adventures are ahead for us. Marce and I signed up for my first HRC class. (hmmm how to explain HRC...Hays Rec Commission....) We go on Thursdays to the gym and play play play. The class is called Little Climbers and is for toddlers Marcelyn's age (9mon-18mon) range. I wasn't able to capture any pictures this last time because I was busy chasing Marcelyn from one end of the gym to the next, but I'll try and paint you a word picture. Imagine yourself in a full-size basketball court with stations of activities spread out. Two of the stations are soft shapes to climb on made out of the same matterials as gymnastic mats. Other stations include a ball pit, things with wheels (trikes, cars and push carts), small toys with wheels or that can be pulled by a string, and Marcelyn's favorite, beach balls the size of her. I'm not sure why she loved them so much but she played with those the most. I wasn't all that impressed at first thinking how is this going to entertain her for a whole hour, but it did and she PLAYED HARD.

All dressed and ready for church. Purse and ALL!

2 seconds later I took it out myself
Mommy braided my hair AND put a bow in it!

Well I probably better quit for now. I'm writing during nap time, and I've heard the Marcemallow make some noise a few times. Plus its getting late and we have Kids Club tonight!
Thanks for reading!!

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