Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry White Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We were blessed in many ways. All of my grandparents are healthy. I think I was most blessed by being able to be "home" we didn't have to travel so we slept in our own bed and got plenty of rest. Not that I don't like traveling, but to completely miss out on all the craziness of traveling this time of the year was nice. The first time for me in over 4 years.
We still have snow...its been here for a week now, but I'm not complaining. I love it! Here are pictures of it. The green tree you'll see was something my sister and I made on the first day after it snowed. The rest are self explanatory. Huge drifts that go up to our waists....stuff like that.

And the truck in this picture is something Chris and I are still praising God about.  Since we traded off his truck last year sometime he has been hoping to get one again, but we didn't know how to make it happen.  Someone in our church gave us this a few days before Christmas.  Completely paid for! God grants us the desires of our heart, and it is faithful when we are faithful.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We got snow!!!! I'm thinkin it should be a white Christmas which makes me very happy.  What's even better is that by Sunday all the roads will be clear so everyone can travel, but we should still have a pretty nice blanket of snow on the ground. 

here's another picture.

Snow make me happy! I think it makes this time of the year so much more pleasant, and give it a reason to be miserably cold.  I hate it when it's cold just to be cold, but if it's cold because there's snow on the ground that's different.  

I think the highlight of my day so far was seeing my dog in the snow...she does not like the snow at all. I'll have to post the video I shot on my phone a little later. I'm currently on my computer posting.  I'll probably have more pictures to post later on when and if I get out and about. which I doubt that I will.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December update

So I got up early today and I've got a few minutes to update my blog.
I'm learning so much about dog personalities lately and I think my dog has two since she's a mix. Some days she acts like a blue healer, very chill and sweet but pretective. Then other days she acts like a beagle, her nose gets her into all kinds of trouble from chasing cats (as she did last night) to getting into the trash cans, and who knows what else. Her mood/behavior also depends on the weather. I have learned she hates the sound of rain on anything metal....weird I know. I say all this just to say that I love my four legged friend personality quirks and all. Who would want a dog without personality?

Home is going well, we have our Christmas tree up. No lights outside yet...its been too cold or Chris has been hunting on the weekends. Two weekends ago (from this coming one) he shot his 1st Kansas deer.

Then the weekends before that was pheasant needless to say the inside of our house is very festive, but the outside....not so much.  With all that cold our heater has been special. Working here and there waking up some mornings to a 59 degree house not the most plesant. Heater guy came today and hopefully fixed it. It's always encouraging when they say "well I think that should fix it..." haha .....
Well my few minutes are gone now. It's now time to grocery shop...on to Wal-Mart and Dillons.