Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We got snow!!!! I'm thinkin it should be a white Christmas which makes me very happy.  What's even better is that by Sunday all the roads will be clear so everyone can travel, but we should still have a pretty nice blanket of snow on the ground. 

here's another picture.

Snow make me happy! I think it makes this time of the year so much more pleasant, and give it a reason to be miserably cold.  I hate it when it's cold just to be cold, but if it's cold because there's snow on the ground that's different.  

I think the highlight of my day so far was seeing my dog in the snow...she does not like the snow at all. I'll have to post the video I shot on my phone a little later. I'm currently on my computer posting.  I'll probably have more pictures to post later on when and if I get out and about. which I doubt that I will.

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